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After order confirmation, pay in person at our Shop by Cash / EPS within 3 working days, your order will automatically be cancelled if payment is not received.


 銀行轉帳 Bank Transfer / FPS

  • Bank of China 中國銀行 - 012-645-0000-9450
  • 戶口名稱: hivihk.com / 數碼影音

    確認訂單3個工作天內以銀行過帳 / 櫃員機 / 轉數快或網上銀行轉帳款項,並將付款證明電郵至 info@hivihk.com 或 WhatsApp到 (852) 5245 7482,如未能成功付款,訂單將會自動被取消。

    After order confirmation, please proceed payment by bank transfer/ ETC/ FPS/ Online Bank Transfer within 3 working days, and send the payment slip to email: info@hivihk.com or WhatsApp to (852) 5245 7482, your order will automatically be cancelled if payment is not received.


    ✅ PayPal 

    Pay with your PayPal account balance via PayPal


     信用卡 Credit Card

    可使用 Visa / Master 付款。
    We accept Visa/Master Payment


     Apple Pay

    輕鬆快捷使用Apple Pay付款,無需輸入信用卡資料(設定Apple Pay
    Express checkout with Apple Pay,  (Set up Apple Pay)


    Enquiry Hotline:
    查詢電話:2361 6176  /  3902 3606