OS Screen EP系列 WF302 PureMat III Cinema 電動幕


尺寸: 80"
銷售價格HK$23,800 正常價格HK$24,880


日本 OS Screen EP系列 電動幕

  • OS Screen EP系列幕備有黑色及白色外殼可供選擇
  • EP Series = "Made in Japan 質量保證" 
  • 所有EP系列投影幕均在日本OS廠房受注生產


Material: WF302 Pure Mat III Cinema

  • 3°gain 1.00 ± 10%
  • Half gain 60°or more

PureMat III 幕料是OS Screen 在2014年推出的,當年已可對應4K影像顯示,新的WF302 Pure Mat III Cinema 由於其特殊二重編織紋路讓精細度提高,即使對應"8K"影像顯示亦毫無問題。
Gain增益值為1.0的OS WF302 Pure Mat III Cinema 銀幕具備毫無癖性且精準的色彩重現能力,從2014年推出以來年年獲得日本專業影音媒體的大力推薦。


WF302 (Pure Mat III Cinema) 獲獎無數
wins a lot of awards in Japan and gains high evaluations.


Reflection characteristic image of a diffusive white mat screen

  • Fabrics: Pure Mat III Cinema is a special fabric screen which weaves simultaneously, so-called special double weave.
  • Downsize the thickness of conventional pure mat yarns by half to reduce the weave texture of the random fabric surface to 1/4 that realizes the reproducibility of a very soft and mild projection and excellent focus feeling.
  • Higher diffusivity: 3° gain of 1.00, ideal diffusivity which can also be a perfect diffusion.
  • The WF302 screen is appropriate to the 4K perfect diffusion. The diffusive screen reflects image of the same quality in all forward direction regardless of the viewer's position.

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