日本 OS Screen EP系列 電動幕
- OS Screen EP系列幕備有黑色及白色外殼可供選擇
- EP Series = "Made in Japan 質量保證"
- 所有EP系列投影幕均在日本OS廠房受注生產
Material: WF801
OS's self-invented technique makes a clear and comfortable image in a special random structure.
WF801是OS PureMat從2000年誕生以來的第七代製品,是對應4K的完全擴散型銀幕,有著十分寬廣的可視角,不含聚氯乙烯(PVC)的編織型銀幕不僅環保,而且還具有防火性能.
- 3°gain 0.97 ± 10%
- Half gain 60°or more
“WF-Pro” combines “PVC-free” and “Flame Retardant” that are environmentally friendly !
- WF professional uses fabric base and topcoat technology to deliver truly 4K high-definition images in a uniform and beautiful manner.
- The white topcoat definitely reproduces the original image.
- The random woven fabric makes smooth surface and moiré-free.
- WF801 is diffusive type screen.
Since diffusive type screen reflects the same quality image in any directions, it provides the same quality image to all viewers at any position.