Silent Angel Forester F2 Linear Power Supply 音響級線性電源


銷售價格HK$10,800 正常價格HK$11,800


Silent Angel Forester F2 Linear Power Supply 音響級線性電源

為高頻 Hi-Fi 音頻系統同時供電的絕佳解決方案,並為 Hi-Fi 音質調整最佳電源供應使用。
共有 4 種不同直流輸出選擇,12V/3A; 12V/1A; 5V/2A; 5V/1A, 在 5V 輸出端口中,還有 USB 接口供用戶選擇連接。
通過連接巴斯蒂系列,直流升級電源線,F2 可以為你高保真系統提供更又化的電源信號質量,提升整體音質表現。
採用完全對稱的環形變壓器組成的電路主板, 和並聯的低噪聲 MOSFET 以降低內部電子噪音乾擾,內嵌入高磁導率 EMI 吸收器以消除高頻電噪聲, 提供乾淨穩定的電源信號。
所有面板均採用加厚鋁合金,前後面板厚度為 8 毫米,旨在減少任何振動和噪音



Multiple Outputs

F2 employs multiple DC outputs including 12V/3A, 12V/1A, 5V/2A, and 5V/1A with an option of connecting to USB ports. An ideal solution to upgrade the power source for your HiFi streaming network for the following models:

12V (Max power output budget is 36W):

  • 12V/3A can power Z1
  • 12V/1A can power E1 / N8 Pro

5V (Max power output budget is 10W):

  • 5V/2A can power M1 / M1T
  • 5V/1A can power N8, etc.

By having an enhanced stable power supply, your device’s clock module will be able to perform extremely accurate operations, allow network data packets to be transmitted at precise timing, and reduce possible jitter and latency. This all contributes to improved sound quality. Besides, it also enables streamer devices to run in a stabler status and perform better.

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